Energy Law Under Incredible Shortage: Review From the Perspective of Institutional Structure

Title Energy Law Under Incredible Shortage: Review From the Perspective of Institutional Structure
Author Bingxuan Wu & Xiying Li
Affiliation KoGuan School of Law, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Region/Country China
Pages 72-93
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Keywords Energy Market; Legal Regulation; Institutional Structure
Abstract In 2021, the global energy shortage affected nearly every country around the world, and it took place quite suddenly. Desperation spread among people suffering from COVID-19. Many were seeking a reasonable explanation for this puzzling circumstance. This led to increasing attention on the energy market, a topic now heatedly discussed by scholars, and legal regulation has become one of the most common aspects to examine. This article will present the current outcomes of the analysis of this aspect through a comprehensive perspective of institutional structure, drawing on thoughts from economics, politics, international law, and law doctrine. A deduction will be made from these ideas to help analyze the formation, developing tendencies, and ideal design of energy institutions, as well as the derivation of their structure. Paths from global transitions will be applied and will certainly address human rights concerns simultaneously.