Update on Patent-Related Cases in Computers and Electronics

Title Update on Patent-Related Cases in Computers and Electronics
Author Karishma Jiva Cartwright, Timothy T. Hsieh & Saurabh Vishnubhakat
Affiliation Karishma Jiva Cartwright, Pierce Atwood LLP; Timothy T. Hsieh, Oklahoma City University School of Law; Saurabh Vishnubhakat, Texas A&M University.
Region/Country United States
Pages 37-49
Keywords Patent; Computers; Electronics; Supreme Court; Federal Circuit; PTAB; Inter Partes Review
Abstract This paper provides an overview of patent cases relating to computer and electronics technology that were not taken up by the Supreme Court during the October 2022 term. As of this writing, the Supreme Court has not granted certiorari in any patent-related cases for its October 2021 Term. The Court has, however, called for the views of the Solictor General in four cases, indicating higher interest and raising the possibility that one or more of these cases may appear on the Court’s merits docket for the October 2022 Term. Additionally, though the Court denied certiorari in Baxter v. Becton, Dickinson, the briefing included a request by the Court for response to the petition, also an indicator of higher interest. Finally, some recent developments at the Federal Circuit warrant attention as well.